TP: Jeebus. I get the impression you've got friends in quite a few of these ports though?
DE: Yeah well, I grew up in Atherton Tablelands so you have to make your way down to Brisbane somehow. That's also why it is so meaningful, because I know the roads. I've driven down these roads before and in a lot of these towns there is family and friends all along the route.
TP: So it's kind of like old route back to Brisbane in reverse. A trip down memory lane almost.
DE: Yeah, heading home.
TP: So how are you going to go about it? Are you going by yourself or will you get some help along the way?
DE: It started out just being by myself, but then I scouted someone to be a support driver as well just for the safety aspect. But largely the idea around the raising of funds and increasing awareness for Beyond Blue (Dave's chosen charity) was how I can make a difference along the way. So hopefully I can get in touch with communities and cycling clubs along the way and get a few group rides so the locals can give me a hand. I'm hoping people will turn out and help me (laughs). Because it is going to be pretty lonely at times.
TP: Help break some of the wind for you (laughs). So it will be yourself, some of the locals from the towns you will ride through and just the support of a single vehicle. I've heard you have commandeered the Cobra9 Intebuild Racing Team van for this purpose?
DE: Which we have stolen (laughs).
TP: You're making it sound less safe all the time. More people have suffered from Carbon Monoxide poisoning in that vehicle then I care to remember Dave (laughs). Where will you be sleeping mate?
DE: That's the cool thing, because that is what we haven't planned. There are some places were we and the support driver will stay in like a motel or van park. We are just mutual friends, but still we have to celebrate and survive getting up to Cairns. But there are some places like Mackay and Airlee Beach were we have friends or family but apart from that, we will be looking at backpackers or something like that.
TP: So the idea of leaving an element of spontaneity is appealing?
DE: The whole point of it is - Gees, I just want to ride somewhere and take what comes along the way, but it is important to have an overall plan. A bit of spontaneity is important though.
TP: Do you have a fundraising goal?
DE: On the website I'm using- Go Fund Me, they ask the same question. I was a little in two minds because because what is the psychology behind it? Will I raise more money if I set a high goal or a low goal or no goal. So in the end, there is no goal. It's just to raise money and awareness for Beyond Blue essentially.