red hill

The Pedaler offers Free Screening for all Primary School Children*

The Pedaler Podiatry for Children


With The Pedaler situated close to the Primary School Catchments of Milton State School, Rainworth State School and Petrie Terrace State School, we are happy to offer our Podiatry Screening Service to all primary aged students at no gap*.

This allows parents who have queries regarding their child's foot type, or concerns related to Sporting injuries and other aches and pains to have their children assessed and treated with no 'out of pocket' expense.

Our head podiatrist, Nathan White, has two children studying at Milton State School, and understands that parents sometimes have questions that they are hesitant to ask based on costs and time concerns.  This option removes that barrier and allows parents to have their children's feet fully assessed and helpful advice provided.

Simply call or book online at The Pedaler and advise us that you are booking a Primary Screening Session (use the code 'Primary Screening' in the notes section of an online booking) and we will ensure your loved ones are looked after properly.


*No Gap service - we will not charge an out of pocket gap for patients with Podiatry Cover on their Private Health Insurance.  Check with your Private Health Insurance or call us for more details.  Conditions Apply


Why do my feet burn when I ride?

Photo @cyclebro

Photo @cyclebro

The most commonly reported lower limb symptom reported from our patients at The Pedaler is burning feet or 'hot foot'. There are numerous reasons why your feet burn when you ride, however, the solution is usually fairly straight forward.

Riding involves an enormous prolonged period of repitition.  As a consequence, the potential for small issues to evolve into larger problems is common.  The load on the foot when cycling is one such example of the extremes of the sport.  As social rides now creep up into longer and longer distances, it is unsurprising that so many begin to experience discomfort.

Often when discussing burning feet, I'll typically advise the cyclist, that while cycling may be an extremely efficient form of transport, it is not a pursuit we have spent centuries adapting to.  With firmer carbon soles paired to stiff bikes and extra miles, the peak pressures on the forefoot are likely to lead to a degree of pain.  In these instances, the prime area of load when cycling is the ball of the foot under the big toe.  Secondary to this is the base of the big toe followed by the remainder of the pad of the foot.  Studies also indicate load through the lesser toes and into the heel.  The location of the cleats and the stiff sole of most cycling shoes tends to promote some loading (around 10%) through these structures.

When hot foot is caused by 'overuse' and increased distances rather then other pathologies, we reduce peak load on those particular locations through deflection, padding or cleat movement.  If the shoe size is inappropriate, then this will need to be changed as well.  Shoes that are too long for the foot cause huge problems as the stiff sole bites into the foot in the incorrect locations.

If there is soft tissue or boney prominances in the forefoot then targeted deflection and proximal loading with a prescription cycling orthotic is typically effective.  In some instances the addition of a spongey metatarsal dome is also warranted to reduce peak forefoot load.  

There are a raft of other causes for hot foot that will not respond with deflection and padding. In these instances, further investigation, diagnostic imaging and a tailored solution to ensure a quality outcome is the only way forward.  Simply treating all forms of 'hot foot' with a blanket solution will certainly lead to a high rate of poor outcomes.

If you have burning feet when you ride, or indeed, when you don't, make time to use our experience and skill set in this niche field.

Book Now


Nathan White  B Hth Sc (Pod) Hons  M A Pod A

The Pedaler Podiatry


15 months after opening our doors in Milton, we have become widely known and relied upon to make the feet and legs of the cycling community pain free.  It is a mission that kicked off our unique enterprise, drove us into cycle shoe retail, and now stands us apart from your typical local bike shop / podiatry service.

Over time, the families of our treated cyclists have come to realize that we also provide comprehensive podiatric care for every member of their family as well.  From growing pains right through to offloading heel pain and pressure relief insoles for Grandmas tap shoes. 


The Pedaler remains one of the few Podiatry practices in Brisbane to still run a full onsite Orthotic Lab.  Each and every pair of cycling or walking orthotics remains hand crafted by head podiatrist Nathan White with his 17 years of industry leading experience.  It also allows us to run our now famous no gap second set of orthotics* for loyal Pedaler patients.

As part of The Pedaler Community, if you need any questions answered about foot health, drop in, give us a call or make an appointment.  Sometimes it only takes a few minutes to set you in the right direction.  

*subject to conditions.


The Pedaler - Open from 6am

With the opening of The 4064 Coffee, our opening hours at The Pedaler will now extend to 6am from Monday to Friday, and 7am on Saturdays.  This means you can drop off your bike for a service, grab some kit or pick up your orthotics from 6am in the morning, then grab a coffee and head to work.  Our location just of Milton Road makes it the ideal minor detour on the way to the office.

Call ahead or email us to schedule your service, then drop and run.  Easy as.

The Pedaler Cares.



Why Dave Edwards is riding to 10 days.

Dave Edwards is known to many in South East Queensland for his immense strength on the bike, and his affable personality off it.  He comes across as a casual guy without too many cares who just loves to be outdoors riding, chatting and getting on with life.  His recent travels to Rio for the Paralympics would be one of Daves career highlights, and underline the immense talent of this Atherton native.

Unfortunately, Dave also knows the lowest of lows, losing his mother to suicide in 2014.  This has been the catalyst for taking on the epic journey from Brisbane, back to his home town of Atherton for a cathartic journey raising awareness and funds around mental health and suicide prevention.  Given the lack of attention this area of health has seen in the past, it is wonderful to see so much action in this space recently.  The recent documentary from Black Sheep 'The Man Ride' is another excellent example of quality endeavours coming out of the cycling community.  As a good friend of The Pedaler, we brought Dave in to elaborate on his journey north.


The Pedaler: Hi mate, thanks for the brews.

Dave Edwards:  All good.

TP: So you've got a big ride coming up mate.  How far are you going?

DE: On google maps it says 1700 kilometres, but that's straight up the highway, but with my route, it will be closer to 2000 kilometres. I'd be happy if it's 2000 kilometres. 

TP:  Gee, 2000 kilometres.  In how long?

DE: In 10 days.

TP:  Is that set in stone?  Does it have to be 10 days or can you fluctuate?

DE: Nah, it has to be 10 days.  I've set myself a deadline.

TP:  Do you have preselected locations you have set out to stay along the way?

DE:  Yeah, it's quite structured.  It all started at the start of this year where I said I wanted to do this ride   A lot of people have done it before, but I wanted to set this in motion and then to make it easier, set some places along the way.  So obviously Brisbane, Noosa, Maryborough, Miriam Vale, which is a random little town.

TP:  Old Miriam Vale - great crab sandwiches mate.

DE: Yeah (laughs), But still that's going via Gladstone, Bundaberg, up to Rocky (Rockhampton).  Then, Mackay, Airlee Beach, Townsville, Cardwell, Cairns and then Atherton.


TP: Jeebus.  I get the impression you've got friends in quite a few of these ports though?

DE: Yeah well, I grew up in Atherton Tablelands so you have to make your way down to Brisbane somehow.  That's also why it is so meaningful, because I know the roads.  I've driven down these roads before and in a lot of these towns there is family and friends all along the route.  

TP: So it's kind of like old route back to Brisbane in reverse.  A trip down memory lane almost.

DE:  Yeah, heading home.

TP:  So how are you going to go about it?  Are you going by yourself or will you get some help along the way?  

DE:  It started out just being by myself, but then I scouted someone to be a support driver as well just for the safety aspect.  But largely the idea around the raising of funds and increasing awareness for Beyond Blue (Dave's chosen charity) was how I can make a difference along the way.  So hopefully I can get in touch with communities and cycling clubs along the way and get a few group rides so the locals can give me a hand.  I'm hoping people will turn out and help me (laughs).  Because it is going to be pretty lonely at times.

TP:  Help break some of the wind for you (laughs).  So it will be yourself, some of the locals from the towns you will ride through and just the support of a single vehicle.  I've heard you have commandeered the Cobra9 Intebuild Racing Team van for this purpose?

DE:  Which we have stolen (laughs).

TP:  You're making it sound less safe all the time.  More people have suffered from Carbon Monoxide poisoning in that vehicle then I care to remember Dave (laughs).  Where will you be sleeping mate?

DE: That's the cool thing, because that is what we haven't planned.  There are some places were we and the support driver will stay in like a motel or van park.  We are just mutual friends, but still we have to celebrate and survive getting up to Cairns.  But there are some places like Mackay and Airlee Beach were we have friends or family but apart from that, we will be looking at backpackers or something like that.

TP:  So the idea of leaving an element of spontaneity is appealing?

DE: The whole point of it is - Gees, I just want to ride somewhere and take what comes along the way, but it is important to have an overall plan.  A bit of spontaneity is important though.

TP:  Do you have a fundraising goal?

DE:  On the website I'm using- Go Fund Me, they ask the same question.  I was a little in two minds because because what is the psychology behind it?  Will I raise more money if I set a high goal or a low goal or no goal.  So in the end, there is no goal.  It's just to raise money and awareness for Beyond Blue essentially.


TP:  Beyond Blue as the charity chosen isn't a random choice, can you tell us a little of the back story behind that?

DE:  Yeah, so the whole reason I chose Beyond Blue was because my mum passed away just over two years ago from suicide.  So it is all related to depression and mental health.  And it means a lot to me yeah.  I wanted to do the ride, so it was nice to do it for a good cause.

TP:  This is obviously and area close to home and there has been a lot more community awareness around this subject of recent.  This seems to be quite a personal thing for you.

DE:  Yeah, yeah.  Definitely.  And I know with The Pedaler, there has been a lot of sadness related to the passing of JJ this year and I think it just adds to the importance of the whole thing.

TP:  Do you think when you're out there, that you'll feel a weight on your shoulders or do you think it will push you along?

DE: A bit of both I guess.  It will be very nostalgic, knowing the roads and stuff, but when Mum passed away, I was overseas at the time and when I came back I rode from Cairns to Townsville in one hit, and that gave me a taste of what I was planning for on this trip.  When I was riding I just had so much time to think about everything.  I will give me a bit of time to reflect on all of this I think.

TP: Obviously your mum was a big supporter of your cycling?

DE: Yeah, my biggest sponsor.

TP:  So it will be nice to knock this one out for her as well won't it?

DE:  Yeah yeah, for sure.

TP:  On another tangent, do you think you'll get some tangible training benefit from this as well?  I have to ask?  (laughs)

DE:  When I did the ride down to Townsville, I called my coach and told him about it and he said "Well, congratulations.  That has absolutely no training benefit for you at all".  (laughs). 

TP:  So nothing at all!


DE: Nah, well doing 2000 kilometres in 10 days will get me pretty skinny (laughs).   That's just a bonus though.

TP:  You've just come back from the Paralympics with a well deserved Bronze Medal, is there anything else after this you working towards?

DE: During this ride, I think I'll have a lot of time to think about what I want to do afterwards.  Cycling is important for my mental health in any case.  I'll have plenty of time to consider my intentions for next year over the 10 days.

TP:  You've ridden in many teams over the years both here and overseas.  Have you seen much evidence of the effects of mental health across the riders you have encountered in those years?  In team mates or supporters?

DE:  That's a tricky one because one of the major issues with mental health issues is that they are often well hidden.  People who suffer with it, know how to hide it quite well, and that's a shame.

TP:  We have seen some cool initiatives recently related to mental health including the Men of Steel ride where a whole bunch of guys rode 1000 kms to raise awareness. 

DE: Yeah The Man Ride from Black Sheep.  Can I say that?  (laughs)

TP:  Absolutely.  A great initiative.  Fantastic.

DE:  Yeah I went and saw the mini documentary and it was very cool.  They had 16 people on that ride which is important.  Because mental health issues, they shouldn't be handled alone. That's why I'm hoping that in the towns I come through, people come out and get involved.

TP:  Is there a particular part of this ride that you think will be the hardest part?  In terms of the sufferance or the desolate nature of the roads.

DE:  Yeah definitely.  The stretch all the way up to Rocky is pretty good.  The first day up to Noosa will be good with a bit of a group, and just leaving Brissie.  I know those roads pretty well.  I also know the roads in the second half from Townsville up to Cairns so that's fresh in my memory.   The hardest part will be the stretch from Rocky to Mackay and I'm going to try and do that in one hit.

TP: Ohh that's painful.

DE: That stretch of road is just horrible even when you're driving it.  I'll be dreading it till it's done, and I'll be relieved when it's over.  


TP:  And how similar will this experience be to those one of infamous 2011 QAS training camps with Mr Prete here?

DE:  (laughs) It will be very reminiscent.  When you ride and ride, it puts you in a different head space to where you have been before.  You just get in the zone a bit and away you go.  I'm looking forward to it I think.  I won't have suffered on the bike this much in a while.

TP:  Once this is over, will you get off the bike for a bit or keep going?

DE:  Nah this will be a kick start for me I think and keep the momentum going for me.  I don't know what's going to happen next with racing, but cycling will always remain in my life for my own mental health.   

TP:  Sounds good mate.  We hope it goes well for you and we'll see you at the end.

DE:  Yeah sweet.

TP:  This is where we find out the Dictaphone hasn't recorded anything (laughs).

All the ride details and way more of the story can be found on the official site.

Ride to the Reef (Go Fund Me)





Getting the most from your Health Insurance

Most people who pay for the benefits of Private Health Insurance, wish to get the most out of our coverage.  We pay for the privilege so why not make it count.


One of our niche differences at The Pedaler is the provision of Podiatry alongside our cycling retail passion.  We have a collective 20 years of experience within the field.  If you need help finding comfortable shoes, or understanding the basis for your aches and pains, we are there to help.  Having HICAPS onsite means you can claim while in store.  Neat and tidy.

Make a time to sit down with us and ask us the tricky questions.  




12 months on. The Pedaler story thus far.

It has been 12 months since we kicked off this new venture and it is amazing how much has changed in that time.  The journey continues but I felt it may be interesting to provide some insight into where we have come from.

My background has always been specialised sports podiatry.  This has been my bread and butter for the last 16 years.  Over the last 9 years, cycling orientated podiatry has also become a focus. I love riding.  I love bikes and I enjoy the culture around the industry.   


My first foray into the cycling industry was through Cobra9 Cycling Orthotics.  I started this company in Hobart in 2009 with my close friend Chris Angel who had reintroduced me to cycling in 2007.  We started making specialised carbon insoles for cycling shoes and grew from there.  We played to our strengths.  We also enjoyed plenty of nights on the wines thinking big about our fledgling company.


In that same year, we sponsored our first race team - Cobra9 Racing.  This was a bunch of early adaptors and hubs, including myself, who raced down the grades and got belted at events routinely.  The first kit was fairly basic but the core and ethos was born.

As the racing team grew, so did our associations within the industry.  Our earliest supporter Dion from 4Shaw has hooked us up with socks since 2011.  I can still remember his email discussing a collaboration (rare in that time) with our socks.  I ignored the email as I didn't have a clue who he was.  A year later, 4Shaw was huge and meekly I finally replied to his email and we organised our first hook up.


With Cobra9 growing, the racing team became an important focus for marketing purposes. The team has grown from 5 riders to around 35 currently.  The team's involvement has shifted from Elite B, to Masters A and now to the Elite A level.  The team now competes regularly at NRS events and occasionally at UCI races.  The same underlying ethos remains. Race hard and enjoy the experience because the journey is the destination.  Every moment we race, travel and train is there to be enjoyed.  It won't last forever and the time to embrace it is now. As we commence preparations for season 2017, Cobra9 Intebuild Racing has become one of the longest standing active cycling teams in Queensland.

The team's emergence and increased prominence has grown some of our most important connections within the industry.  Long time supporters Megabake emerged out of this evolution and Wurkstand grew alongside the team's journeys.  Industry heavyweights, Attaquer jumped into our corner in 2013 which has been enormous for our brand and business.  I can't speak highly enough of the crew behind this particular company in terms of their professionalism and work ethic.  In an industry full of hollow promises and whingers, these guys keep delivering.


The Pedaler was conceived to capitalise on these strong brand associations.   However it would be another 12 months before the shop opened.   In the foot hills of the iconic Park Rd 'Eiffel Tower' where the cycling scene kicked off in Brisbane, The Pedaler was born.  The business model was supported by a sports focused Podiatry business in parallel with a strong core of quality cycling brands.  


We set out to only carry brands that we believe in.  POC safety gear fits this concept neatly as do the shoe offerings from Suplest, Fizik and Lake. The fabled Italian brand Colnago was our primary bike brand followed shortly after by Johnson Bikes from Ben Johnson in Noosa. Another example of a quality human in the cycling industry.

Our onsite lab has allowed us to build all types of orthotic solutions for our clients.  It also helps us ensure the best fit for our clients and their cycling shoes.  We have grown from one shoe brand to four and hope to create a proper 'wall of shoe' for our customers. It naturally plays to our strengths as qualified podiatrists.

None of this would be possible without our crew.

Our staff started with a very small core group. Podiatrist and now born again trackie, David Gruhl has been with us from the start.  He has been a stellar example of continuous endeavour and purpose.  His manual therapy skills have been incredibly important to our practice and his relationships with trainers and industry professionals continues to grow. 


Phil Cavdarski has manned the front desk regularly since opening and always presents with purpose.  He also brings humour and coffee.


The most recent arrival to our team in March of this year was Josh Prete. He is a huge addition for us as we have transitioned into comprehensive bike servicing and more complex builds. His customer relations are impeccable and he has grown into an integral part of The Pedaler providing assistance in developing brands and generating new market directions.  


We also need to laud the assistance of some other 'staff'.  Hadleigh has cleaned up our books enormously and allowed us more time to focus on the business and less time spent trying to untangle my BAS musings which look a lot like a scene from 'A Beautiful Mind'. Dugald runs the racing team with an efficiency that could only come from working at Australia Post for decades.  Adam my brother is a constant with the race team and co owner at Cobra9 Cycling Orthotics.  Daniel of Cycling Enquirer fame has also helped us look better then we really are on a regular basis driving much of our social media. 


Abbie and myself continue to learn important lessons daily. The first 6 months were pretty intense.   Up front costs associated with starting the business from scratch were epic and the ongoing expenses were uncomfortable.  As our community and the business has grown, the pressure has eased and the head space this allows has fuelled more creativity.  We like enjoying our days at work and subscribe to concept that our staff are our most valuable asset. We toast mars bars, take suicidal photos on Douglas St, create album covers and enjoy the experience.  In this way, the ethos of The Pedaler is similar to the race team's.  Enjoy the journey now.  Our other motto is just as important.  Don't spend every moment of every day worrying about the next.  If you have a quiet period, relax and use it.  


In our first year we have also had our fair share of set backs.  We lost our mate and most loyal fan JJ to depression.  He was an enormous help for us over the first few months of our journey. He was also our biggest supporter and it was a huge shock to lose him in such painful circumstances.  We hope to create an event in the coming months as a fitting memorial to our mate and one that typifies what this colourful character meant to the Brisbane cycling scene.

We also lost another of our best friends Steve Small from Wurkstand.  He was the victim of a hit and run on his way home from work in Noosa.  It is impossible to put into words how much he helped us create The Pedaler and also, how much he meant to our race team.  His untimely death is still painful to digest.  Fittingly at our 1st Birthday, we will unveil our Tribute kit to Steve.  All profits from this venture will go to his family to help reconcile a tiny portion of their loss.

There are more ideas and business ventures we are hoping to launch in the coming months. We remain loyal to our foundation brands and will grow from this base.  We also remain focused on providing comprehensive best practice Podiatry care and a top shelf customer experience. Each interaction is a relationship, not a transaction.   

Thank you all for your support.  Come along on Saturday to our Sausage Festival and enjoy the snags (maybe even a few vegan versions by popular demand).  Tunes, drinks, banter and epic snaps.  It's The Pedaler way.




Improving your Hamstring's flexibility.

Many amongst us know that they need to work on their hamstring flexibility. When I bring it up with my patients they aren't unduly surprised.

Aside from stretching, I also ask patients if they perform myofascial release with their hamstrings (Eg. Foam Rolling) and often the answer is yes.

The difficulty is that foam rollers are too large and cumbersome to properly address this particular muscle group. With this approach, you will generally find that the relief is temporary and minimal.

I have a two step approach for addressing hamstring muscle stiffness based on the anatomy. 

Step 1. Addressing muscle stiffness at the hamstring origin point.

Step 2. Addressing hamstring muscle stiffness in the belly of the muscle.

Step 1: Addressing muscle stiffness at the hamstring origin point. Hamstrings originate from your ischial tuberosity, aka your 'sit-bones' and from the femur. There is a degree of irony here as our hamstrings weren't actually designed to be sat on. 

  • Sit on a hard surface, preferably a chair.

  • Take a tennis sized ball and place it just past your 'sit-bone'. (This is one of the few times I would recommend using a harder ball like a cricket or lacrosse ball.)

  • Move you body weight onto the ball and proceed to roll from side to side. (If you feel as though you are rolling over steel cables then you are doing it correctly.)

  • Do this for 2-4 minutes or until you feel a change or until you stop making change.


Step 2: Addressing hamstring muscle stiffness at the belly of the muscle. We have three hamstrings; semimembranosus, semitendinosus and biceps femoris. The first two are located closer to the inside of your leg and the other is closer to the outside near your Iliotibial band (ITB).  Remember to roll on the center of the hamstrings but also on the inside and outside.

  • Sit on a hard surface, preferably a table or bench top.

  • Hard balls don't work for this, I only use the ALPHA ball from yoga tune up. These balls have some give and their large grippy surface is ideal.

  • Place the ball in the center of your hamstring and then move your body weight atop of the ball.

  • Once you have found a tender spot or knot then sit on that spot with your weight and begin to flex and extend your knee. You will feel you hamstrings moving past the ball as you move your leg.


Re-test your flexibility!

Try to touch your toes and see the difference.


NB. If the spot is not tender make a mental note of relaxing and if that location is still not tender move to a new spot.

NB. If you start feeling numbness or tingling down your leg or foot move to a new site. The sciatic nerve does pass down the back of the leg and can become trapped by the ball.

David Gruhl