I have been stretching for years and I still can't touch my toes.
I stretch to help my recovery between workouts.
I stretch lots but I don't notice much improvement.
I stretch but the changes I make don't last.
Does this sound like you?
Stretching addresses tension in the muscle-tendon unit by lengthening short and tight muscles. There are several different factors that can affect joint range of motion and hinder performance.
Short and tight muscles
Myofascial trigger points
Soft tissue restriction
Joint capsule restriction
Motor control problems
Joint range of motion dysfunction
Neural dynamic issues
These can be complex issues that require identification and analysis by a Health Professional. However, there are two areas that I regularly teach patients to deal with at home:
Soft tissue restrictions
Joint capsule restrictions
Soft tissue restrictions can be treated with a form of myofascial release; foam rolling, massage, dry needling, acupuncture or cupping. These modalities all have their pro's and con's but in different ways, they all alter the state of muscles and fascia. They reduce muscular tension and an improve the ability for fascia to slide and glide.